BBBEE Bootcamp (2 Days)

2024-08-12 09:00 - 16:00



Understand the requirements to score points on the various elements of the scorecard and the recent amendments to Skills Development (bursaries, unemployed and absorption) and Procurement (51% black owned suppliers).

Gain more insight into the different elements of the scorecard and how they interlink. Identify which of your current practices can translate into valuable points and be better prepared to avoid common verification issues which could cost you points.



  • Codes of Good Practice
  • Legislative framework and background
  • Framework for measuring of B-BBEE
  • General principles and the generic scorecard
  • Ownership and management control
  • Skills Development
  • Preferential Procurement
  • Enterprise and Supplier Development
  • Socio-Economic Development
  • Common Verification issues
  • Fronting and its dangers



  • Transformation Managers
  • Manegers/Line Management/Executive Management
  • Business Owners
  • Skills Development Facilitators


Richard Ryding
B-BBEE Divisional Head at Global Business Solutions

Richard consults with many different organisations on optimising their B-BBEE scorecard and assisting with their verifications. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant. 

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R4,935.00 excl. VAT
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