Occupational Certificate: Project Manager: NQF 5 - 2 Years (Block 1: 20-22 Aug)

2025-08-20 09:00 - 09:00


Project Managers are the people in charge of a specific project or projects within a company or a government entity and any small or large scale development project requires high-quality project management skills.

Project Managers however can work in a variety of fields, from Information and Communication Technology, Human Resources, Advertising, Marketing, Construction and more. Improved service delivery and economic growth in South Africa are dependent on the quality of project management skills available in the country. Project management is a cross-cutting function, needed in all social and economic sectors. This qualification presents a competency framework appropriate for South African contexts and was developed and closely benchmarked against international standards

 The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Project Manager. A Project Manager applies knowledge of project management to achieve project objectives in a specific field of application

 Knowledge Modules:
 • Introductory Studies for Project Managers
 • Project Integration Management
 • Project Scope Management
 • Project Time Management
 • Project Cost Management
 • Project Quality Management
 • Project Human Resource Management
 • Project Communications Management
 • Project Risk Management
 • Project Procurement Management
 • Project Stakeholder Management

 Practical Modules:
 • Initiate a project
 • Plananddevelop aproject management approach and scope statement
 • Plananddevelop aproject timeline and schedule
 • Planforandproject the cost of a project
 • Planproject management systems
 • Monitorandcontrol the scope of a project
 • Control the project delivery schedules and costs
 • Control the project quality
 • Manageandcontrolthe human resources ofa project
 • Conductandcontrol project communication and stakeholder interaction
 • Manageandcontrolproject risks
 • Manageandcontrolproject procurement activities
 • Manageandcontrolproject close-out activities

 Workplace Module:
 • Attendtoproject initiation management processes
 • Attendtoproject planning processes
 • Attendtoproject execution and control processes
 • Attendtoproject close-out processes

Compulsory National EISA Exam (External Integrated Summative Assessment) The EISA conducted through the relevant QCTO Assessment Quality partner is required for the issuing of this qualification. The EISA will focus on the exit level outcomes and associated assessment criteria. The learner will write the national exam at an accredited assessment centre


Multiple GBS Presenters

This National Certificate will be presented by multiple GBS Presenters over the various blocks including John Botha, Thembi Chagonda and Jonathan Goldberg.

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R48,775.00 excl. VAT
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