The purpose of this skills programme is to prepare a learner to plan for, conduct and administer skills development planning in an occupational context.
The skills set derived from this skills programme is needed in organisations to support skills development within the legislative environment which is highly regulated and constantly changing.
Skills Development Facilitation Practitioner skills set is intended to develop competencies for employees located in the HRM or human development space within an organisation to ensure that effective skills development is driven within an organisation.
Knowledge Modules:
• The statutory learning & development environment
• Workplace learning & development planning,
evaluation and reporting
Practical Modules:
• Plan, conduct and report on a learning &
development needs analysis
Workplace Module:
• Conduct skills development facilitation (SDF)
processes as required for mandatory grant
Compulsory FISA:
• (Final Integrated Supervised Assessment) The FISA
is conducted through the Skills Development
Provider. The FISA is a final written assessment
integrating the relevant exit level outcomes.
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