OHSA Remote Employment Contract Clause: This is a clause that explains the obligations and responsibilities of both the employer and the employee under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) when the employee works remotely.
Workplace Definition: The clause states that any remote place where the employee conducts work falls within the scope of the workplace definition, and that both parties have to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.
Employee Duties: The clause lists five legal principles that the employee has to follow in terms of health and safety, such as taking reasonable care, co-operating with the employer, obeying the rules and procedures, reporting any unsafe or unhealthy situations, and reporting any incidents that may affect their health or cause injury.
Employer Limitations: The clause stresses that the employer is not in control of nor the owner or manager of the remote workplace, and that the employer’s only reasonable approach is to instruct the employee to follow the legal principles.
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